Parallel sessions chair

Guidelines for the participation as a Track Chair

The chair of a parallel session at the ACEDE Conference is in charge of moderating and encouraging debate among the attendees.

The authors of oral paper will have a maximum time of 10-12 minutes to present their work.

The authors of the works presented at the interactive tables will have a maximum time of 8-9 minutes to present their work, a presentation which will be carried out without the aid of audiovisual means.

The authors of the thesis project presentations at the doctoral workshops will have a maximum time of 12 minutes to present their work.

The discussants of the oral papers will have a maximum time of 5 minutes to carry out their comments for each paper.

The discussants of the doctoral project thesis will have a maximum time of 10 minutes for each project to carry out their comments.

The remaining time will be dedicated to the debate and to make comments and set questions and provide responses among discussants, authors and the rest of the audience.

The comments offered by the track chair and participants of the interactive tables, as well as by the attendees, will have a maximum of 8-9 minutes per work.

We kindly ask the track chairs to strictly carry through the times to ensure the smooth course of the session and the rest of the programmed activities.

It is important that these standards are set at the beginning of the sessions as information to all participants and attendees, and bring dynamism to the sessions, encouraging audience participation and creating an adequate atmosphere.

Instructions for making presentations in classrooms.

1.- Use the classroom PC

If you are from an institution other than UPV, you can use your institution's credentials to connect to the international eduroam Wifi and have Internet access.

You can also connect to the Wifi through UPV-PUBLIC by following the instructions below:
UPV-PUBLIC - Corporate Applications Manuals - Confluence

2.- With your own PC and HDMI connector (all classrooms will have a connector)

In both cases, you can connect to the projector via wifi: Turn on the projector. Press the Windows key + k on the laptop (not for MAC) to display the wireless devices you can connect to, depending on the classroom where you are, some names will appear, but you must choose the one with the name of the classroom, so you don't connect to a projector in a neighboring classroom. It will ask you for a connection code, if it does not appear on the projection screen, press the search button on the remote to change the input.